Monday, July 28, 2008


Everyday people go to work, to earn money. People sell things, to earn money. People offer their services, to earn money. Money, money, money. Without money, we cannot buy basic necessities like food, or have a house to live in. Money makes the world go round.
Money affects of every human, even since birth. Even education is about career. We study and graduate only to start working and make money. Humans essentially live to make money. From birth, parents want their children to be smart and thus give them a lot of nutrients and vitamins like omega-3 et cetera. Richer families can afford more and thus their children are theologically smarter. Smarter children probably have better jobs and earn more money.
People and so desperate for money that they will even do things that are wrong. Like cheating, stealing, killing. All for the sake of money. People love money a lot. 1 Timothy 6:10: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, in their eagerness to get rich, have wandered away from the faith and caused themselves a lot of pain." Money is powerful. It can make people do bad things. Very bad things.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Apparently people are commenting imediately after i post, maybe to scoff or belittle me, but I am not a belligerent person and i find no solace in confronting spammers. I will not enter a journal typing frenzy ever so entries will come slowly. Ha.


This is an incipient journal of the many more journals to come. I find doing this extremely mundane but if i do not do it, I will be reprimanded which is another thing i loathe. But as I have mentioned before, my excuses have ran out and Mr Kek is not a dupe anyway so I have no choice but to type, type and type.


I realise that Mr Kek is getting irate with me not doing my blog, and his angryness has cajoled me to start doing my journals. I have even ran out of pretexts to use so I might as well start doing it. I am not an avid blogger this is only a rudimentary part of my total number of journals i owe.


I know Mr Kek has been waiting interminably long for me to do my journals, which is basically compounding words from the 1100 Words book with words of my own to make sentences. I personally feel that this is drudgery but if I do not do it, Mr Kek will continue to badger me. I became an eminent figure in not doing journals because of this.